🖤 BLACK ROSE MEDICINE 🖤 Venus is in the last hours of her Descent journey. These are the final moments of release, shedding & death in the Morning Star phase within her 8 year cycle.
Tonight She will be Conjunct the Sun at 11:07pm PDT that catalyzes the Great Turning of Her Dance in the Sky to cross The Solar Threshold and begin her transfiguration journey of Ascent to Rebirth as the Evening Star with her Heliacal Rise on Oct 1 & bring us to the completion of her 8 year cycle in June of 2020.
The Great Rose Goddess is going through complete and total Death & Rebirth. And so are we.
Now is the hour for sincere and devotional death. And what a beautiful funeral this can be. What beliefs, patterns or shadows have been holding you back that you are DONE with? What do you give death to tonight? What aspects of self are ready to shed once and for all in the Underworld of Ereshkigal? 🔥🖤🔥
The Time is Now.
We call on the sacred Dark Goddesses to assist in this massive shift in dying falsity, complacency, illusion, fear, separation & distortion. We call on The Black Queens & Death Midwives at this Holy Threshold. Inanna. Kali. Isis. Nepthys. Sekhmet. Ma’at. Morgana. Hecate. 🔥 Though we must traverse death & rebirth for ourselves, we are never alone. And always supported by the Grace of the Divine Mother & Holy Father. All those who have passed through these fires of descent & ascent initiations we call you forth with your wisdom and benevolence. Mary Magdalene. Yeshua. Isis. Osiris. Mother Mary. Anna.
Blessings to you as all things change form in the Womb-Tomb of the Mother. On the other side is liberation and freedom! After tonight, we too, will be in a time of transmutation until Oct 1 in the Venus Rose Cycle, ascending in our Empowerment. 🖤 Destiny & Legacy Codes will be revealed & crystallized. In this Chrysalis, the Power of your Will is of utmost importance. All is fair game in this Reality of Choice. Make your moves wisely. Together, we amplify the Grids of the Earth & our very DNA to awaken our fullest Sovereign Empowerment for the Good of All. Yes. We are that powerful. This our Death and Birth Rite.
🌹🖤🌹With Holy Blessings, Achintya