13 weeks
inside The ixCacao Ceremonialist Medicine Basket
Discover All The Tools you require to Root yourself as a Certified ixCacao Ceremonialist.
A 13 Week Training Course
where you are offered the Support to receive the essential Tools
to hold a well contained space for serving ixCacao to fellow Sisters and Brothers.
This Offering Includes
5x Live Online Cacao Ceremonies held by Shanti Bluebird
1x Private Cacao Ceremony held by Yourself for Yourself
and 1x Communal Cacao Ceremony Held by Yourself for Your Family and Friends
Week 1
Rainbow Labyrinth Sound Meditation - Entering
Creating Sound Vibration with Deepest Sound Symbology through The Rainbow Bridge of Our Human Chakra System by utilizing The Key of The Rainbow Labyrinth to Unlock our Path of Service of
Integrity, Authenticity and Humility to All Relations.
Week 2
A Story of ixCacao
The Feminine Rising
(Online Cacao Ceremony by Shanti Bluebird)
Week 3
The Wheel
Here we will be exploring The Wheel in 3 different ways:
The Feminine Wheel of The Womb,
The 4 Directions of Earth
The 3 Directions of The Heart Seed
(Online Cacao Ceremony by Shanti Bluebird)
Week 4
Smoke Medicine
Exploring The Plant People who offer Medicinal Smoke.
From Clearing The Space to Opening The Prayer Ways.
(Tobacco, Laurel, Local Herbs, Smudge-Sticks and Wreaths for Sacred Fire)
(Online Cacao Ceremomy by Shanti Bluebird)
Week 5
Holding Intent.
Holding Frequencies.
Nurturing Embodiment of Prayers, Dreams and Visions.
Nurturing Relationship with Your Team.
(Online Cacao Ceremony by Shanti Bluebird)
Week 6
A way of Communicating with All Our Relations without using spoken language.
Expressing Gratitude and Prayers.
(Corn, Cacao, Smoke, Coins, Flowers, Shells, Stones)
(Online Cacao Ceremony by Shanti Bluebird)
Week 7
Rainbow Labyrinth Sound Meditation - In The Centre
Creating Sound Vibration with Deepest Sound Symbology through The Rainbow Bridge of Our Human Chakra System by utilizing The Key of The Rainbow Labyrinth to Unlock our Path of Service through Integrity, Authenticity and Humility to All Relations.
Week 8
Clear Intentions
A vital part of any work.
Expressing your Intentions to Serve ixCacao by writing a Letter.
Week 9
Alchemy of Ceremonial Cacao
From The Melting in The Cauldron- to The Eating- to The Drinking- to The Chocolates.
4 Essential Recipes
The Benifits - The Possible Side-Effects - Tricks of The Trade to serve with Knowledge
Week 10
Fire Ceremony
Create your own Fire Ceremony by applying The Tools learned up until now
and adding a Few Golden Rules.
(Private Cacao Ceremony by Yourself for Yourself)
Week 11
To Serve Others
The very important information to know when holding Others in Cacao Ceremony.
Writing a small test at the end of this week.
(Detoxing, Benefits of Cacao for The Body and Soul, and many other Practical Tips)
Week 12
Rainbow Labyrinth Sound Meditation - Exiting
Creating Sound Vibration with Deepest Sound Symbology through The Rainbow Bridge of Our Human Chakra System by utilizing The Key of The Rainbow Labyrinth to Unlock our Path of Service through Integrity, Authenticity and Humility to All Relations.
Week 13
Inviting your intimate Circle to experience Cacao Ceremony.
In your final week you are asked to bring everything you have learned into practice by
Visioning, Creating and Holding Space for Close Family and Friends.
Inviting 3-5 people to experience your work and provide you with support and feedback.
(Communal Cacao Ceremony by Yourself for your Family and Friends)
Upon devotional completion of these 13 Weeks
you will receive a Certificate of Graduation,
becoming a Certified ixCacao Ceremonialist
to serve your Community and All Relations.